It has been ages (more than 10 years, in fact) since I last posted anything in this blog. Too many things have changed. The social media scene saw the emergence of FB, Instagram, Tiktok Wechat, WhatsApp, Twitter etc which made Blogging looks ancient and definitely out of fashion.
A few days ago my old reliable Lenove Thinkpad started getting slow, so slow that it is becoming irritating. There must have been too much junk in its memory since I hardly did any housekeeping work on my notebook. Therefore I had no choice but to do something about it. The first thing that I can think of is to delete as many files as possible but before pressing the final "Delete" button I had to read them just to make sure that I do not delete something important. Come to think of it, it should not matter much since if I have been able to survive without reading any of them for the past ten years or so, they cannot be "that important".
But as fate would have it, one of the first file that I stumbled upon was an old Google group with my ex university friends I am sure most of my children and their friends would not know about google groups. Going through some of the postings (including mine) in this group brought back a lot of fond memories making me spent considerable hours browsing. It was in one of these postings that I saw a reference to my old Blog - HBO's Place. I immediately clicked on the link and it all started. Apparently in the five years between 2007 and 2012, I have managed to make a total of more than 200 postings in HBO's Place. Reading them again after all these years brought all kinds of feelings. Though I can still remember some of the major events that happened it is not the same as being able to read what I have written at that pertinent time. Some of the writings managed to put in place the proper nuances and significance of the events which mere memories could not.
After rereading about 20 or 30 postings, it did not took long for me to decide that I want to start writing in HBO's Place again. I may not be around 20 years from now to reread what I am about to write in 2025 until whenever I decide to stop again or until our Maker decides my time is up in this temporary world but I hope my children and their children will be able to read my Blog, remember me and maybe understand me a bit better.
Here goes nothing. May Allah Help me in this endeavour and only good comes out of it.