Thursday, February 07, 2008

A Belated Birthday gift in 1986

Twenty two years ago, 2 days after my 28th birthday, my wife gave me a belated birthday present. Our second child and first son, Ahmad Arif, was born. He is currently studying to be a doctor in Monash University, Australia.

Since he was in kindergarten, he has shown his potential to be a good student. I'm thankful to Allah swt that Arif managed to do well in his studies with good leadership qualities. I pray that he will continue to be blessed with good fortunes and excel in all that he does. For the immediate future I hope he will get through his medical studies with flying colours. Thereafter, we await his return to contribute to his siblings, friends, Malaysians and Ummah.

Having birthdays just 2 days apart, we seem to share quite a few traits. This has enabled me to understand some of his actions a lot easier than others. But, he has never given us problems. I'm thankful and proud to have a son like Arif, anybody would.

Happy Birthday, son. May the Blessings of Allah swt be bestowed upon you always.


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