Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Of being 50

It is my 50th birthday so I think I deserve to take some time to blog about it, even if it is during office hours. After all, who count the hours that I spent in the office when I should officially be at home with my family.

Alhamdullillah, I'm able to celebrate half a century of life in this world. I must say, I have been blessed, in more ways than I care to remember. I've always had it easy in so many things in life. The hiccups that may have been in my way are too few and too far in between. How can I be thankful enough to Allah swt? How can I be thankful to my parents who are no longer around who have taken good care of me? How can I be thankful to all those (family members, friends, relatives, co-workers, neighbours and everyone in this world) who have been too kind to me? The Blessings are just too much to even to start thinking about. Syukur Alhamdullillah.

My birthday wish? I would like to seek Forgiveness from Allah swt for all the wrongs that I have done to Him and His world. How I wish His Blessings will continue until my last day is His world especially the Blessings of Iman not only for me but for my family, my neighbours, my friends and all Muslims.

I'm older and it is my fervent hope that I'm wiser too.



Mokhlis said...

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, my friend. How could I not know your birthday when I am keeping everyone's profile. Worst still it is your 50th brthday? Cant forgive myslef for that.

Alhamdullah, reading your blog relating how you look back the 50 years you have spent makes me realised that I would not want to waste the next 8 months I have before I too turn 50. The questions you have asked are those that I want to answer before my time comes. At least I still have my father though not in his excellent health. I want to make sure that I am able to spend as much time as I could with him before he too goes to be with ALLAH.

My friend, having known you for more than 40 odd years have been really wonderful. Though you always took the No.1 spot in class from Primary One till teh day you left us for USA you have not changed a little bit. You are still the same Hussin that I know. Humble, Friendly, Caring and Ever Helpful. My wish for you is to remain as you are cos its too late for you to change, even if you want to.

Last but not least, my prayer to ALLAH to grant all your wishes and give you 50++ more years.

May ALLLAH Bless you ...

PS .. I will now keep you birthday anniversary date in my diary.

Anonymous said...

I'm fortunate and I'm glad
I got you for my brother;
Even if I had the chance,
I wouldn't pick another.

Happy 50th Birthday Along! :)

Anonymous said...


Selamat Hari Lahir.

Terima kasih untuk segala-galanya.

Terima kasih di atas segala kasih sayang, perhatian, tunjuk ajar dan rasa kebertanggungjawaban terhadap kami adik-beradik.

Terima kasih kerana berjaya menghimpunkan ahli Keluarga Halimah (satu kejayaan besar) melalui majlis Perkahwinan Azlina tempohari.

Semoga Allah memberkati Along!


Hussin said...

Thanks for the very kind words, some are too "high" for me. I've always treasured my friends and when they reciprocate, it makes life beautiful.

Dear sisters,
Thanks for the wishes. My doa always for all of you to have the best in this world and the Hereafter.